我地做眉同眼線宗旨係自然! 自然眉色也不會好深,由SISA國際美容協會會長親自主理,經驗豐富 會根據每個客人面部比例去打造一條適合「妳」既眉毛 韓式半永久飄眉 霧眉 自然眉色也不會好深,由SISA國際美容協會會長親自主理,經驗豐富 輕氧霧眉 仿真手工飄眉 韓式隱形美曈線 飄霧眉 4D絲霧眉 邊間飄眉好 紋眉 繡眉 飄眉 霧眉 紋眉 繡眉 飄眉 霧眉 輕氧霧眉 仿真手工飄眉 韓式隱形美曈線
美容 / 面部及皮膚護理Exquis Beauty 臻緻美容

太子區全職女導師:擁有三張演奏級鋼琴證書LRSM, Dip ABRSM,Trinity ATCL:專業教授鋼琴﹑豎琴,Dip ABRSM演奏級及榮獲英國皇家音樂學院八級豎琴(優異成績)豐富豎琴表演,Harp Wedding performance,豎琴演奏經驗 鋼琴老師 豎琴老師 教琴老師 上門鋼琴老師 太子學琴 九龍灣學琴 九龍城區教琴 九龍塘學琴 何文田學琴 宋皇臺站 啟德 啟德鋼琴老師 太子
M音樂 / 教學進修Miss Hung

In addition to exceptional hotel facilities and professional management services.
H物業地產 / 服務式住宅Horizon Hotels and Suites

Our professional team is eager to provide creative yet practical ideas to make your dream come to reality.

DK Media provides wide range of services with professional media analysis and strategy.
攝影及影音 / 節目及活動DK Media│時藝媒體集團有限公司

Oldham, Li & Nie is a highly successful mid-sized law firm, whose commitment is to professional excellence and to tailoring its legal services to the needs of both corporate and private clients.
o商業 / 法律事務oldhamlinie

Thousand One 採用加拿大知名美甲品牌Akzentz。產品通過多國安全測試標準,如美國、加拿大、日本等,絕不含致癌及損害皮膚和健康的物質。 本公司亦選用美國2014 Nail Pro Readers’ choice “讀者選擇獎”可卸凝膠類別 Gel II.
T美容 / 美甲Thousand One Limited

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We Clean with our HEARTS! You can depend of us as Easy Care has been in the market since 1985. Established in 1985, Easy Care Carpet Systems Limited has been specializing in carpet maintenance servic
E商業 / 清潔及滅蟲Easy Care Carpet Systems Ltd.

(Be Beauty Skin Care) 為愛美愛健康人仕提供一站式美容;面部護理、專業療程、身體護理、纖體瘦身及新娘化妝。美容部附設獨立房間、雙人房、洗手間、浴室,環境舒適清優。
B美容 / 纖體修身Be Beauty Skin Care

Our aims were and are to promote better communication between professional groomer's,to encourage our members to improve their skills and to establish better public relations.
寵物 / 會社、組織及團體香港專業寵物美容師協會有限公司

Training objectives include strengthening self-confidence and promoting supportive spirit, independent and creative thinking (lateral thinking), fostering teamwork.

We are composed of well trained, professional and dedicated staff with many years experience in the field. Providing one-stop, tailor-made services to our valued customers give us a niche in the mark

Fresh, dynamic and experienced, Easy Home is a world-class property agency committed to providing its clients w ith the highest professional standard of service.

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B教學進修 / 補習Brian Wong 經濟專家

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